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Pugh, E. W.
Building IBM: shaping an industry and its technology
ISBN 0-262-16147-8
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy
Pugh, E. W.
Building IBM: shaping an industry and its technology
Серия: History of computing
The MIT Press, 1996 г.ISBN 0-262-16147-8
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy

1 из 1
Wolff, J. D.
Western Union and the creation of the American corporate order, 1845-1893
Cambridge University Press, 2013 г.
ISBN 978-1-10-701228-8
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy
Wolff, J. D.
Western Union and the creation of the American corporate order, 1845-1893
Cambridge University Press, 2013 г.
ISBN 978-1-10-701228-8
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy

1 из 1
Wolff, J. D.
Western Union and the creation of the American corporate order, 1845-1893
Cambridge University Press, 2015 г.
ISBN 9781107480902
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy
Wolff, J. D.
Western Union and the creation of the American corporate order, 1845-1893
Cambridge University Press, 2015 г.
ISBN 9781107480902
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy