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Электронный каталог: Справочник индексов УДК
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Wilkinson, T. A. H.
Royal Annals of Ancient Egypt: the Palermo stone and its associated fragments
ISBN 9780710306678
Ст. Басманная стр.4 к.В, контр. экз. : Staraya Basmannaya block B, Single...
Wilkinson, T. A. H.
Royal Annals of Ancient Egypt: the Palermo stone and its associated fragments
Серия: Studies in egyptology
Kegan Paul, 2000 г.ISBN 9780710306678
Ст. Басманная стр.4 к.В, контр. экз. : Staraya Basmannaya block B, Single...

1 из 1
The materiality of texts from Ancient Egypt: new approaches to the study of textual material from the early pharaonic to the late antique period
Brill, 2018 г.
ISBN 9789004375284
Ст. Басманная стр.4 к.В, контр. экз. : Staraya Basmannaya block B, Single...
The materiality of texts from Ancient Egypt: new approaches to the study of textual material from the early pharaonic to the late antique period
Brill, 2018 г.
ISBN 9789004375284
Ст. Басманная стр.4 к.В, контр. экз. : Staraya Basmannaya block B, Single...