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Auerbach Publications
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Связанные описания:

1 из 1
Cassidy, A.
A practical guide to information systems strategic planning
Auerbach Publications, 2006 г.
ISBN 0849350735
Cassidy, A.
A practical guide to information systems strategic planning
Auerbach Publications, 2006 г.
ISBN 0849350735

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Электронные книги
Cassidy, A.
A practical guide to information systems strategic planning
Auerbach Publications, 2006 г.
ISBN 9781420031089
Cassidy, A.
A practical guide to information systems strategic planning
Auerbach Publications, 2006 г.
ISBN 9781420031089

Экз. чит. зала
Deusen Van, C.
Business policy and strategy: the art of competition
Auerbach Publications, 2007 г.
ISBN 978-0-84938-324-3
Deusen Van, C.
Business policy and strategy: the art of competition
Auerbach Publications, 2007 г.
ISBN 978-0-84938-324-3

1 из 1
Goodman, F. A.
Defining and deploying soffware processes
Auerbach Publications, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-84939-845-2
Goodman, F. A.
Defining and deploying soffware processes
Auerbach Publications, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-84939-845-2

1 из 1
Arnason, S. T.
How to achieve 27001 certification: an example of applied compliance management
Auerbach Publications, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-0-84933-648-5
Arnason, S. T.
How to achieve 27001 certification: an example of applied compliance management
Auerbach Publications, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-0-84933-648-5

1 из 1
Brancik, K. C.
Insider computer fraud: an in-depth framework for detecting and defending against insider IT attacks
Auerbach Publications, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-1-420-04659-5
Brancik, K. C.
Insider computer fraud: an in-depth framework for detecting and defending against insider IT attacks
Auerbach Publications, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-1-420-04659-5

Экз. чит. зала
Carroll, B. J.
Lean performance ERP project management: implementing the virtual lean enterprise
Auerbach Publications, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-0-84930-532-0
Carroll, B. J.
Lean performance ERP project management: implementing the virtual lean enterprise
Auerbach Publications, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-0-84930-532-0

1 из 1
Todorov, D.
Mechanics of user identification and authentication: fundamentals of identity management
Auerbach Publications, Taylor & Francis Group, 2007 г.
ISBN 978-1-420-05219-0
Todorov, D.
Mechanics of user identification and authentication: fundamentals of identity management
Auerbach Publications, Taylor & Francis Group, 2007 г.
ISBN 978-1-420-05219-0

1 из 1
Contesti, D.- L.
Official (ISC)2 guide to the SSCP CBK
ISBN 978-0-84932-774-2
Contesti, D.- L.
Official (ISC)2 guide to the SSCP CBK
Серия: (ISC)2 press series
Auerbach Publications, Taylor & Francis Group, 2007 г.ISBN 978-0-84932-774-2

Экз. чит. зала
Crawford, J. K.
Optimizing human capital with a strategic project office: select, train, measure, and reward people for organization success
Auerbach Publications, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-84935-410-2
Crawford, J. K.
Optimizing human capital with a strategic project office: select, train, measure, and reward people for organization success
Auerbach Publications, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-84935-410-2

Нет экз.
Электронные книги
Vargas, R. V.
Practical guide to project planning
Auerbach Publications, 2008 г.
ISBN 9781420045055
Vargas, R. V.
Practical guide to project planning
Auerbach Publications, 2008 г.
ISBN 9781420045055

Экз. чит. зала
Ayers, J. B.
Retail supply chain management
Auerbach Publications, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-0-84939-052-4
Ayers, J. B.
Retail supply chain management
Auerbach Publications, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-0-84939-052-4

Экз. чит. зала
Tayntor, C. B.
Six Sigma software development
Auerbach Publications, 2007 г.
ISBN 978-1-420-04426-3
Tayntor, C. B.
Six Sigma software development
Auerbach Publications, 2007 г.
ISBN 978-1-420-04426-3

Экз. чит. зала
Liebowitz, J.
Strategic intelligence: business intelligence, competitive intelligence, and knowledge management
Auerbach Publications, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-84939-868-1
Liebowitz, J.
Strategic intelligence: business intelligence, competitive intelligence, and knowledge management
Auerbach Publications, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-84939-868-1

1 из 1
Deek, F. P.
Strategic software engineering: an interdisciplinary approach
Auerbach Publications, 2005 г.
ISBN 0-84933-939-1
Deek, F. P.
Strategic software engineering: an interdisciplinary approach
Auerbach Publications, 2005 г.
ISBN 0-84933-939-1

1 из 2
Handfield, R. B.
Supply market intelligence: a managerial handbook for building sourcing strategies
Auerbach Publications, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-84932-789-X
Handfield, R. B.
Supply market intelligence: a managerial handbook for building sourcing strategies
Auerbach Publications, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-84932-789-X

1 из 1
Mathaisel, D. F. X.
Sustaining the military enterprise: an architecture for a lean transfomation
Auerbach Publications, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-1-420-06224-3
Mathaisel, D. F. X.
Sustaining the military enterprise: an architecture for a lean transfomation
Auerbach Publications, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-1-420-06224-3

Нет экз.
Электронные книги
Hill, G. M.
The complete project management office handbook
Auerbach Publications, 2008 г.
ISBN 9781420046823
Hill, G. M.
The complete project management office handbook
Auerbach Publications, 2008 г.
ISBN 9781420046823