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Электронный каталог: Справочник издательств
К списку издательств
Lexington Books, Lanham
Сортировать по: заглавию
- Policy studies organization series
- Studies in ethics and economics
- Raya Dunayevskaya series in Marxism and humanism
- The Harvard Cold War studies book series
- Heterodox studies in the critique of political economy
- Revisiting communism: collectivist economic and political thought in historical perspective
- Communication, globalization, and cultural identity
- Greek Studies
- Issues in Southwest Archaeology
- Postphenomenology and the philosophy of technology
- Continental philosophy and the history of thought
- Studies in comparative philosophy and religion
- Studies in new media
- Contemporary studies in idealism
- Political theory for today
- Politics, literature, and film
- Philosophy of race
- The Lexington Series in Historical Ethnomusicology
- Lexington research in sports, politics, and international relations
- Environment and society
- African governance, development, and leadership