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Электронный каталог: Справочник издательств
К списку издательств
Ashgate, Aldershot
Сортировать по: заглавию
- Perspectives on Europe
- European business law library
- Public choice and developing societies series
- International studies on social security
- Tempus textbook series on European law and European legal cultures
- The Bruton Center for Development Studies series
- The library of essays in international law
- Socio-legal studies series
- Applied legal philosophy
- Studies in banking history
- Interdisciplinary research series in ethnic, gender and class relations
- The organisation of industrial space
- The dynamics of economic space
- International library of environmental economics and policy
- ICCR contemporary trends in European social sciences
- The international library of essays in law and legal theory
- The international political economy of new regionalisms
- Alternative voices in contemporary economics
- The G8 and global governance series
- Urban and regional planning and development series
- The political economy of Latin America
- Global finance series
- Transition and development
- The Chinese economy series
- Modern economic and social history series
- Bruton Center for Development Studies series
- Cardiff papers in qualitative research
- Social and political studies from Hong Kong
- Race and representation
- The making of modern Africa
- Global environmental governance series
- Transport and society
- Advances in criminology
- IGU series on local development
- Research in migration and ethnic relations series
- Ashgate economic geography series
- The Chinese trade and industry series
- Critical security series
- Ethics and global politics
- Innovative economics textbooks
- New perspectives in marketing series
- St Andrews studies in Reformation history
- Ashgate Keeling series in ancient philosophy
- Ashgate new critical thinking in philosophy
- Post-Soviet politics
- Ethnoscapes
- Non-state actors in international law, politics and governance series
- Innovative finance textbooks
- Historical urban studies series
- Ashgate studies in environmental policy and practice
- Women and gender in the early modern world
- Studies in early modern English literature
- Ashgate studies in the history of philosophical theology
- Explorations in Asia Pacific business economics
- Variorum collected studies series
- The history of retailing and consumption
- New directions in tourism analysis
- Markets and the law
- Visual culture in early modernity
- Law, language and communication
- Directions in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis
- Globalisation, Europe, multilateralism
- The mobilization series on social movements, protest and culture
- Juris Diversitas
- The library of essays in contemporary legal theory - second series
- Global governance series
- The library of essays in contemporary legal theory
- Society for the promotion of Byzantine studies
- Contemporary social work studies
- The international law of peace and security
- Cities and society series