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--> Логистика = logistics
----> общие вопросы = general issues
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--> Логистика = logistics
----> общие вопросы = general issues
- Название:
- общие вопросы = general issues
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Связанные описания:

Экз. чит. зала
Mathe, H.
La logistique
ISBN 2-13-043441-X
Mathe, H.
La logistique
Серия: Que sais-je?
Presses Universitaires de France, 1991 г.ISBN 2-13-043441-X

Экз. чит. зала
Zylstra, K. D.
Lean distribution: applying Lean manufacturing to distribution, logistics, and supply chain
John Wiley & Sons, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-471-74075-6
Zylstra, K. D.
Lean distribution: applying Lean manufacturing to distribution, logistics, and supply chain
John Wiley & Sons, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-471-74075-6

Экз. чит. зала
Baudin, M.
Lean logistics: the nuts and bolts of delivering materials and goods
Productivity Press, 2004 г.
ISBN 1-563-27296-2
Baudin, M.
Lean logistics: the nuts and bolts of delivering materials and goods
Productivity Press, 2004 г.
ISBN 1-563-27296-2

Экз. чит. зала
Feld, W. M.
Lean manufacturing: tools, techniques and how to use them
St. Lucie Press, APICS, 2001 г.
ISBN 1-574-44297-X
Feld, W. M.
Lean manufacturing: tools, techniques and how to use them
St. Lucie Press, APICS, 2001 г.
ISBN 1-574-44297-X

Экз. чит. зала
Kerber, B.
Lean supply chain management essentials: a framework for materials managers
CRC Press, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-1-439-84082-5
Kerber, B.
Lean supply chain management essentials: a framework for materials managers
CRC Press, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-1-439-84082-5

Экз. чит. зала
Gattorna, J.
Living supply chains: how to mobilize the enterprise around delivering what your customers want
Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-273-70614-4
Gattorna, J.
Living supply chains: how to mobilize the enterprise around delivering what your customers want
Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-273-70614-4

Экз. чит. зала
Bowersox, D. J.
Logistical management: the integrated supply chain process
McGraw-Hill, 1996 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Bowersox, D. J.
Logistical management: the integrated supply chain process
McGraw-Hill, 1996 г.
ISBN отсутствует

Экз. чит. зала

1 из 2
Waters, D.
Logistics: an introduction to supply chain management
Palgrave Macmillan, 2003 г.
ISBN 0-333-96369-5
Waters, D.
Logistics: an introduction to supply chain management
Palgrave Macmillan, 2003 г.
ISBN 0-333-96369-5

Экз. чит. зала
Sadler, I.
Logistics and supply chain integration
SAGE Publications, 2007 г.
ISBN 978-1-412-92979-0
Sadler, I.
Logistics and supply chain integration
SAGE Publications, 2007 г.
ISBN 978-1-412-92979-0

Экз. чит. зала
Christopher, M.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Strategies for Reducing Cost and Improving Service
Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1998 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Christopher, M.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Strategies for Reducing Cost and Improving Service
Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1998 г.
ISBN отсутствует

Экз. чит. зала
Blanchard, B. S.
Logistics engineering and management
Pearson Education International, 2004 г.
ISBN 0-13-124699-2
Blanchard, B. S.
Logistics engineering and management
Pearson Education International, 2004 г.
ISBN 0-13-124699-2

Экз. чит. зала

Экз. чит. зала

1 из 2
Harrison, A.
Logistics management and strategy: competing through the supply chain
Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-0-273-73022-4
Harrison, A.
Logistics management and strategy: competing through the supply chain
Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-0-273-73022-4

Экз. чит. зала
Sule, D.R.
Logistics of facility location and allocation
ISBN 0-8247-0493-2
Sule, D.R.
Logistics of facility location and allocation
Серия: Industrial engineering
Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2001 г.ISBN 0-8247-0493-2

1 из 2
Logistics systems: design and optimization
Springer Science & Business Media B.V., 2005 г.
ISBN 0-387-24971-0
Logistics systems: design and optimization
Springer Science & Business Media B.V., 2005 г.
ISBN 0-387-24971-0

Экз. чит. зала
Logistik management: systeme, methoden, integration
Physica-Verlag, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-3-7908-2361-5
Logistik management: systeme, methoden, integration
Physica-Verlag, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-3-7908-2361-5

Экз. чит. зала
Management theories and strategic practices for decision making
ISBN 978-1-466-62473-3
Management theories and strategic practices for decision making
Серия: Premier reference source
Business Science Reference, 2013 г.ISBN 978-1-466-62473-3

Экз. чит. зала
Managing drug supply: the selection, procurement, distribution, and use of pharmaceuticals
Kumarian Press, 1997 г.
ISBN 1-565-49047-9
Managing drug supply: the selection, procurement, distribution, and use of pharmaceuticals
Kumarian Press, 1997 г.
ISBN 1-565-49047-9

Экз. чит. зала
Coyle, J. J.
Managing supply chains: a logistics approach
South-Western Cengage Learning, 2013 г.
ISBN 978-1-11-153392-2
Coyle, J. J.
Managing supply chains: a logistics approach
South-Western Cengage Learning, 2013 г.
ISBN 978-1-11-153392-2

Экз. чит. зала
Langley, C. J.
Managing supply chains: a logistics approach with student CD
South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-0-324-66267-2
Langley, C. J.
Managing supply chains: a logistics approach with student CD
South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-0-324-66267-2

1 из 2
Hoover, W. E.
Managing the demand-supply chain: value innovations for customer satisfaction
John Wiley & Sons, 2001 г.
ISBN 0-471-38499-2
Hoover, W. E.
Managing the demand-supply chain: value innovations for customer satisfaction
John Wiley & Sons, 2001 г.
ISBN 0-471-38499-2

Экз. чит. зала
Jacobs, F. R.
Manufacturing planning and control for supply chain management: AIPICS/CPIM certification edition
McGraw-Hill, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-0-07-175031-8
Jacobs, F. R.
Manufacturing planning and control for supply chain management: AIPICS/CPIM certification edition
McGraw-Hill, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-0-07-175031-8

Экз. чит. зала

Экз. чит. зала
Maritime logistics: contemporary issues
Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-7805-2340-8
Maritime logistics: contemporary issues
Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-7805-2340-8

Экз. чит. зала
Tempelmeier, H.
Material-Logistik: Modelle und Algorithmen fur die Produktionsplanung und -steuerung und das Supply Chain Management
Springer-Verlag, 2003 г.
ISBN 3-540-44065-8
Tempelmeier, H.
Material-Logistik: Modelle und Algorithmen fur die Produktionsplanung und -steuerung und das Supply Chain Management
Springer-Verlag, 2003 г.
ISBN 3-540-44065-8

Экз. чит. зала

1 из 2

Экз. чит. зала
Lukinskiy, V.S.
Models and methods of logistic theory: textbook
St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, 2012 г.
ISBN 9785997804237
Lukinskiy, V.S.
Models and methods of logistic theory: textbook
St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, 2012 г.
ISBN 9785997804237

1 из 1
Muller, N. J.
Network planning, procurement, and management
McGraw-Hill, 1996 г.
ISBN 0-07-044362-9
Muller, N. J.
Network planning, procurement, and management
McGraw-Hill, 1996 г.
ISBN 0-07-044362-9

1 из 2

1 из 2
Jacobs, F. R.
Operations and supply management
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-0-07-128418-9
Jacobs, F. R.
Operations and supply management
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-0-07-128418-9

Экз. чит. зала
Russell, R. S.
Operations management: along the supply chain: international student version
John Wiley & Sons, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-0-470-23379-5
Russell, R. S.
Operations management: along the supply chain: international student version
John Wiley & Sons, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-0-470-23379-5

Экз. чит. зала
Russell, R. S.
Operations management: focusing on quality and competitiveness
Prentice Hall, 1998 г.
ISBN 978-0-13-849936-5
Russell, R. S.
Operations management: focusing on quality and competitiveness
Prentice Hall, 1998 г.
ISBN 978-0-13-849936-5

10 из 11
Heizer, J.
Operations management: sustainability and supply chain management
ISBN 978-0-273-78707-5
Heizer, J.
Operations management: sustainability and supply chain management
Серия: Always learning
Pearson Education, 2014 г.ISBN 978-0-273-78707-5

1 из 2
Dilworth, J.B.
Operations management: providing value in goods and services
The Dryden Press, 2000 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Dilworth, J.B.
Operations management: providing value in goods and services
The Dryden Press, 2000 г.
ISBN отсутствует

Экз. чит. зала
Organizing supply chain processes for sustainable innovation in the agri-food industry
Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016 г.
ISBN 978-1-7863-5488-4
Organizing supply chain processes for sustainable innovation in the agri-food industry
Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016 г.
ISBN 978-1-7863-5488-4

Экз. чит. зала
Alicke, K.
Planung und Betrieb von Logistiknetzwerken: Unternehmensubergreifendes supply chain management
Springer-Verlag, 2005 г.
ISBN 3-540-22998-1
Alicke, K.
Planung und Betrieb von Logistiknetzwerken: Unternehmensubergreifendes supply chain management
Springer-Verlag, 2005 г.
ISBN 3-540-22998-1

Экз. чит. зала
Webster, S.
Principles and tools for supply chain management
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008 г.
ISBN 0-07-128588-1
Webster, S.
Principles and tools for supply chain management
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008 г.
ISBN 0-07-128588-1

1 из 2

Экз. чит. зала
Dobler, D. W.
Purchasing and Materials Management: Text and Cases
McGraw-Hill, 1990 г.
ISBN 0-07-037047-8
Dobler, D. W.
Purchasing and Materials Management: Text and Cases
McGraw-Hill, 1990 г.
ISBN 0-07-037047-8

Экз. чит. зала

2 из 6
Lysons, K.
Purchasing and supply chain management
Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-273-69438-3
Lysons, K.
Purchasing and supply chain management
Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-273-69438-3

Экз. чит. зала
Monczka, R.
Purchasing and supply chain management
South-Western, Thomson, 2005 г.
ISBN 0-324-20254-7
Monczka, R.
Purchasing and supply chain management
South-Western, Thomson, 2005 г.
ISBN 0-324-20254-7

Экз. чит. зала

Экз. чит. зала

Экз. чит. зала
Dobler, D. W.
Purchasing and Supply Management: Text and Cases
McGraw-Hill, 1996 г.
ISBN 0-07-114144-8
Dobler, D. W.
Purchasing and Supply Management: Text and Cases
McGraw-Hill, 1996 г.
ISBN 0-07-114144-8

1 из 1
Quantitative approaches to distribution logistics and supply chain management
Springer-Verlag, 2002 г.
ISBN 3-540-43690-1
Quantitative approaches to distribution logistics and supply chain management
Springer-Verlag, 2002 г.
ISBN 3-540-43690-1