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Электронный каталог: Makers of ancient strategy
Makers of ancient strategy
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Makers of ancient strategy : from the Persian wars to the fall of Rome
Издательство: Princeton University Press, 2010 г.
ISBN 978-0-691-15636-1
Makers of ancient strategy : from the Persian wars to the fall of Rome
Издательство: Princeton University Press, 2010 г.
ISBN 978-0-691-15636-1
355/359 M20
Makers of ancient strategy: from the Persian wars to the fall of Rome / Ed. and with an introduction by V. D. Hanson. – Princeton; Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2010. – 265 с. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-0-691-15636-1.
общий = Военное дело = art of war. Military science [355/359] : история = history
61459 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ ф-л удал. книгохран., к.э. (Мясницкая): Distant book storage, Single copy Научный 355/359 M20
355/359 M20
Makers of ancient strategy: from the Persian wars to the fall of Rome / Ed. and with an introduction by V. D. Hanson. – Princeton; Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2010. – 265 с. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-0-691-15636-1.
общий = Военное дело = art of war. Military science [355/359] : история = history
61459 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ ф-л удал. книгохран., к.э. (Мясницкая): Distant book storage, Single copy Научный 355/359 M20