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Tenth - century China and beyond

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Tenth - century China and beyond : art and visual culture in a multi - centered age
Издательство: The Center for the Art of East Asia, 2012 г.
ISBN 9781588861153
Tenth - century China and beyond : art and visual culture in a multi - centered age
Издательство: The Center for the Art of East Asia, 2012 г.
ISBN 9781588861153
7 T35
Tenth - century China and beyond: art and visual culture in a multi - centered age / Ed. by W. Hung. – Chicago: The Center for the Art of East Asia, 2012. – 400 c. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9781588861153.
общий = Искусство = art : история искусства. Художественные стили и направления = history of art. Artistic schools, styles, influences [7.03]
общий = Культурология = culturology : история культуры = history of culture
общий = История = history : история отдельных государств = history of individual regions and countries [94(1/9)] : Китай = China
76739 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ Ст. Басманная к. А, контр.экз.: Staraya Basmannaya block A, Single copy Научный 7 T35
7 T35
Tenth - century China and beyond: art and visual culture in a multi - centered age / Ed. by W. Hung. – Chicago: The Center for the Art of East Asia, 2012. – 400 c. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9781588861153.
общий = Искусство = art : история искусства. Художественные стили и направления = history of art. Artistic schools, styles, influences [7.03]
общий = Культурология = culturology : история культуры = history of culture
общий = История = history : история отдельных государств = history of individual regions and countries [94(1/9)] : Китай = China
76739 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ Ст. Басманная к. А, контр.экз.: Staraya Basmannaya block A, Single copy Научный 7 T35