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Электронный каталог: Montanari, A. - Conflict of Laws in Italy
Montanari, A. - Conflict of Laws in Italy

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Автор: Montanari, A.
Conflict of Laws in Italy : the text and an English translation of Italian law No.218 of May 31, 1995. Reform of the Italian system of conflict of laws: the international conventions referred to in the law
Издательство: Kluwer Law International, 1997 г.
ISBN 90-411-0999-4
Автор: Montanari, A.
Conflict of Laws in Italy : the text and an English translation of Italian law No.218 of May 31, 1995. Reform of the Italian system of conflict of laws: the international conventions referred to in the law
Издательство: Kluwer Law International, 1997 г.
ISBN 90-411-0999-4
341 M82
Montanari, A.
Conflict of Laws in Italy: the text and an English translation of Italian law No.218 of May 31, 1995. Reform of the Italian system of conflict of laws: the international conventions referred to in the law / A. Montanari, V.A. Narcisi. – The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1997. – 195 с. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 90-411-0999-4.
общий = Право : право отдельных государств : Италия
общий = Международное право = International law : международное частное (коллизионное) право = conflict of laws (private international law)
7736 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy Научный 341 M82
7737 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ Покровский б-р, науч. аб-т : Pokrovsky blvd., Academic collection lending department Научный 341 M82
341 M82
Montanari, A.
Conflict of Laws in Italy: the text and an English translation of Italian law No.218 of May 31, 1995. Reform of the Italian system of conflict of laws: the international conventions referred to in the law / A. Montanari, V.A. Narcisi. – The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1997. – 195 с. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 90-411-0999-4.
общий = Право : право отдельных государств : Италия
общий = Международное право = International law : международное частное (коллизионное) право = conflict of laws (private international law)
7736 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy Научный 341 M82
7737 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ Покровский б-р, науч. аб-т : Pokrovsky blvd., Academic collection lending department Научный 341 M82