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--> Логистика = logistics
----> Логистика = logistics
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--> Логистика = logistics
----> Логистика = logistics
- Название:
- Логистика = logistics
- Название:
- общие вопросы = general issues
- Название:
- глобальная логистика = global logistics
- Название:
- транспортная логистика = transport logistics
- Название:
- информационная логистика = informational logistics
- Название:
- управление запасами = stick management
- Название:
- складирование и грузопереработка = warehousing and handling
- Название:
- производственная логистика = industrial logistics
- Название:
- логистическая стратегия = logistic strategy
- Название:
- контрактная логистика = contract logistics
- Название:
- сервис в логистике = logistic service
- Название:
- управление закупками, логистика снабжения = purchasing management, procurement logistics
- Название:
- логистика и маркетинг (сбытовая логистика) = marketing logistics
- Название:
- справочные издания = reference books
- Название:
- управление цепями поставок = supply chain management
- Название:
- математические модели и методы = mathematical models and methods
- Название:
- городская логистика = urban logistics
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Связанные описания:
1 из 2
Brauner, M. K.
Dollars and sense: a process improvement approach to logistics financial management
RAND, 2000 г.
ISBN 0-8330-2854-5
Brauner, M. K.
Dollars and sense: a process improvement approach to logistics financial management
RAND, 2000 г.
ISBN 0-8330-2854-5
Экз. чит. зала
Kleber, R.
Dynamic inventory management in reverse logistics
Springer, 2006 г.
ISBN 3-540-33229-4
Kleber, R.
Dynamic inventory management in reverse logistics
Springer, 2006 г.
ISBN 3-540-33229-4
Экз. чит. зала
Dynamics in logistics: Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009: proceedings
Springer, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-3-642-11995-8
Dynamics in logistics: Second International Conference, LDIC 2009, Bremen, Germany, August 2009: proceedings
Springer, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-3-642-11995-8
1 из 1
eBusiness in healthcare: from eProcurement to supply chain management
ISBN 978-1-84628-878-4
eBusiness in healthcare: from eProcurement to supply chain management
Серия: Health informatics series
Springer, 2008 г.ISBN 978-1-84628-878-4
1 из 2
Bayles, D. L.
E-commerce logistics and fulfillment: delivering the goods
Prentice Hall, 2001 г.
ISBN 0-13-030328-3
Bayles, D. L.
E-commerce logistics and fulfillment: delivering the goods
Prentice Hall, 2001 г.
ISBN 0-13-030328-3
24 из 25
Корстен, Д.
ECR. Эффективное взаимодействие с потребителем: интеграция логистических цепей
КИА центр, КИА центр, 2006 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Корстен, Д.
ECR. Эффективное взаимодействие с потребителем: интеграция логистических цепей
КИА центр, КИА центр, 2006 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Экз. чит. зала
Straube, F.
e-Logistik: Ganzheitliches Logistikmanagement
Springer-Verlag, 2004 г.
ISBN 3-540-20869-0
Straube, F.
e-Logistik: Ganzheitliches Logistikmanagement
Springer-Verlag, 2004 г.
ISBN 3-540-20869-0
Экз. чит. зала
Langenwalter, G. A.
Enterprise resources planning and beyond: integrating your entire organization
St. Lucie Press, APICS, 2000 г.
ISBN 1-574-44260-0
Langenwalter, G. A.
Enterprise resources planning and beyond: integrating your entire organization
St. Lucie Press, APICS, 2000 г.
ISBN 1-574-44260-0
1 из 2
Neef, D.
e-Procurement: from strategy to implementation
Prentice Hall, 2001 г.
ISBN 0-13-091411-8
Neef, D.
e-Procurement: from strategy to implementation
Prentice Hall, 2001 г.
ISBN 0-13-091411-8
1 из 1
Ptak, C.A.
ERP: tools, techniques, and applications for integrating the supply chain
St. Lucie Press, APICS, 2000 г.
ISBN 1-574-44270-8
Ptak, C.A.
ERP: tools, techniques, and applications for integrating the supply chain
St. Lucie Press, APICS, 2000 г.
ISBN 1-574-44270-8
Экз. чит. зала
Экз. чит. зала
Экз. чит. зала
Hugos, M.
Essentials of supply chain management
ISBN 0-471-23517-2
Hugos, M.
Essentials of supply chain management
Серия: Essentials series
John Wiley & Sons, 2003 г.ISBN 0-471-23517-2
Экз. чит. зала
1 из 2
Poirier, C. C.
E-supply chain: using the Internet to revolutionize your business
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2001 г.
ISBN 1-576-75117-1
Poirier, C. C.
E-supply chain: using the Internet to revolutionize your business
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2001 г.
ISBN 1-576-75117-1
Экз. чит. зала
Zhang, Q.
E-supply chain technologies and management
ISBN 978-1-599-04255-8
Zhang, Q.
E-supply chain technologies and management
Серия: Premier reference source
Information Science Reference, 2007 г.ISBN 978-1-599-04255-8
Экз. чит. зала
Emmett, S.
Excellence in warehouse management: how to minimise costs and maximise value
John Wiley & Sons, 2005 г.
ISBN 0-470-01531-4
Emmett, S.
Excellence in warehouse management: how to minimise costs and maximise value
John Wiley & Sons, 2005 г.
ISBN 0-470-01531-4
1 из 3
1 из 1
Shaw, D.
Fashion buying: from trend forecasting to shop floor
ISBN 9781474252928
Shaw, D.
Fashion buying: from trend forecasting to shop floor
Серия: Basics fashion management
Bloomsbury, 2017 г.ISBN 9781474252928
1 из 1
Koumbis, D.
Fashion retailing: from managing to merchandising
ISBN 9782940496235
Koumbis, D.
Fashion retailing: from managing to merchandising
Серия: Basics fashion management
Bloomsbury, 2014 г.ISBN 9782940496235
Экз. чит. зала
Lambert, D. M.
Fondamentals of Logistics Management
Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1998 г.
ISBN 0-07-115752-2
Lambert, D. M.
Fondamentals of Logistics Management
Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1998 г.
ISBN 0-07-115752-2
1 из 2
Zipkin, P.H.
Foundations of inventory management
ISBN 0-256-11379-3
Zipkin, P.H.
Foundations of inventory management
Серия: Operations management
McGraw-Hill, 2000 г.ISBN 0-256-11379-3
Экз. чит. зала
Mentzer, J. T.
Fundamentals of supply chain management: twelve drivers of competitive advantage
SAGE Publications, 2004 г.
ISBN 0-7619-2908-8
Mentzer, J. T.
Fundamentals of supply chain management: twelve drivers of competitive advantage
SAGE Publications, 2004 г.
ISBN 0-7619-2908-8
1 из 2
Global cases in logistics and supply chain management
International Thomson Business Press, 1997 г.
ISBN 0-415-12589-8
Global cases in logistics and supply chain management
International Thomson Business Press, 1997 г.
ISBN 0-415-12589-8
Экз. чит. зала
Mangan, J.
Global logistics and supply chain management
John Wiley & Sons, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-0-470-06634-8
Mangan, J.
Global logistics and supply chain management
John Wiley & Sons, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-0-470-06634-8
Экз. чит. зала
Gourdin, K. N.
Global logistics management: a competitive advantage for the 21st century
Blackwell Publishing, 2006 г.
ISBN 1-405-12713-9
Gourdin, K. N.
Global logistics management: a competitive advantage for the 21st century
Blackwell Publishing, 2006 г.
ISBN 1-405-12713-9
1 из 2
Gourdin, K. N.
Global logistics management: a competitive advantage for the new millennium
Blackwell, 2001 г.
ISBN 1-557-86883-2
Gourdin, K. N.
Global logistics management: a competitive advantage for the new millennium
Blackwell, 2001 г.
ISBN 1-557-86883-2
1 из 3
Dornier, P.- P.
Global operations and logistics: text and cases
John Wiley & Sons, 1998 г.
ISBN 0-471-12036-7
Dornier, P.- P.
Global operations and logistics: text and cases
John Wiley & Sons, 1998 г.
ISBN 0-471-12036-7
1 из 1
Global production networks: operations design and management
CRC Press, 2013 г.
ISBN 978-1-466-56292-9
Global production networks: operations design and management
CRC Press, 2013 г.
ISBN 978-1-466-56292-9
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Assaf, M.
Global sourcing and purchasing- post 9/11: new logistics compliance requirements and best practices
J.Ross Publishing, 2006 г.
ISBN 1-932159-39-8
Assaf, M.
Global sourcing and purchasing- post 9/11: new logistics compliance requirements and best practices
J.Ross Publishing, 2006 г.
ISBN 1-932159-39-8
2 из 3
Global supply chains: evaluating regions on an EPIC framework - economy, politics, infrastructure, and competence
McGraw-Hill Education, 2014 г.
ISBN 9780071792318
Global supply chains: evaluating regions on an EPIC framework - economy, politics, infrastructure, and competence
McGraw-Hill Education, 2014 г.
ISBN 9780071792318
1 из 1
Global supply chains, standards and the poor: how the globalization of food systems and standards affects rural development and poverty
CABI, 2007 г.
ISBN 9781845931858
Global supply chains, standards and the poor: how the globalization of food systems and standards affects rural development and poverty
CABI, 2007 г.
ISBN 9781845931858
Экз. чит. зала
Экз. чит. зала
Anderson, K.
Great customer service on the telephone
ISBN 0-8144-7795-X
Anderson, K.
Great customer service on the telephone
Серия: The WorkSmart series
AMACOM, 1992 г.ISBN 0-8144-7795-X
Экз. чит. зала
Wang, H.- F.
Green supply chain management: product life cycle approach
McGraw-Hill, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-0-07-162283-7
Wang, H.- F.
Green supply chain management: product life cycle approach
McGraw-Hill, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-0-07-162283-7
Экз. чит. зала
Handbook of global logistics: transportation in international supply chains
Springer, 2013 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-96131-0
Handbook of global logistics: transportation in international supply chains
Springer, 2013 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-96131-0
Экз. чит. зала
1 из 2
Handbook of logistics and supply-chain management
ISBN 0-08-043593-9
Handbook of logistics and supply-chain management
Серия: Handbooks in transport
Pergamon, 2001 г.ISBN 0-08-043593-9
Экз. чит. зала
Handbook of newsvendor problems: models, extensions and applications
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-43599-0
Handbook of newsvendor problems: models, extensions and applications
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-43599-0
Нет экз.
Экз. чит. зала
Экз. чит. зала
Harvard business review on managing the value chain
Harvard Business School Press, 2000 г.
ISBN 1-578-51234-4
Harvard business review on managing the value chain
Harvard Business School Press, 2000 г.
ISBN 1-578-51234-4
Экз. чит. зала
Bigelow, C.R.
Hazardous materials management in physical distribution
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994 г.
ISBN 0-442-00279-3
Bigelow, C.R.
Hazardous materials management in physical distribution
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994 г.
ISBN 0-442-00279-3
Экз. чит. зала
Miller, T.
Hierarchical operations and supply chain planning
Springer-Verlag, 2002 г.
ISBN 1-85233-592-0
Miller, T.
Hierarchical operations and supply chain planning
Springer-Verlag, 2002 г.
ISBN 1-85233-592-0
1 из 1
Tomasini, R.
Humanitarian logistics
ISBN 978-0-230-20575-8
Tomasini, R.
Humanitarian logistics
Серия: INSEAD business press series
Palgrave Macmillan, 2009 г.ISBN 978-0-230-20575-8
Нет экз.
Электронные книги
Cook, W. J.
In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman: mathematics at the Limits of Computation
Princeton University Press, 2012 г.
ISBN 9781283339773
Cook, W. J.
In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman: mathematics at the Limits of Computation
Princeton University Press, 2012 г.
ISBN 9781283339773
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Crocker, B.
Inbound logistics management: storage and supply of materials for the modern supply chain
ISBN 978-0-273-72048-5
Crocker, B.
Inbound logistics management: storage and supply of materials for the modern supply chain
Серия: Always learning
Pearson Education, 2012 г.ISBN 978-0-273-72048-5
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Экз. чит. зала
Innovative quick response programs in logistics and supply chain management
Springer, 2010 г.
ISBN 978-3-642-04312-3
Innovative quick response programs in logistics and supply chain management
Springer, 2010 г.
ISBN 978-3-642-04312-3
Экз. чит. зала
Bowersox, D. J.
Instructor's manual to accompany "Logistical management": the integrated supply chain process
McGraw-Hill, 1996 г.
ISBN 0-07-006884-4
Bowersox, D. J.
Instructor's manual to accompany "Logistical management": the integrated supply chain process
McGraw-Hill, 1996 г.
ISBN 0-07-006884-4