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Legitimation of political power in medieval thought: acts of the XIX Annual Colloquium of the Societe Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Medievale , Alcala, 18th-20th september 2013
Brepols, 2018 г.
ISBN 9782503580180
Ст. Басманная к. А, контр.экз.: Staraya Basmannaya block A, Single copy
Legitimation of political power in medieval thought: acts of the XIX Annual Colloquium of the Societe Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Medievale , Alcala, 18th-20th september 2013
Brepols, 2018 г.
ISBN 9782503580180
Ст. Басманная к. А, контр.экз.: Staraya Basmannaya block A, Single copy