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Электронный каталог: Справочник индексов УДК
К списку индексов УДК
Сортировать по: заглавиюдате издания
Advances in economics and econometrics: theory and applications: Seventh World Congress
Cambridge University Press, б.г.
ISBN 0-521-58139-7
Advances in economics and econometrics: theory and applications: Seventh World Congress
Cambridge University Press, б.г.
ISBN 0-521-58139-7
Advances in Econometrics Fifth World Congress
Cambridge University Press, б.г.
ISBN 0-521-46726-8
Advances in Econometrics Fifth World Congress
Cambridge University Press, б.г.
ISBN 0-521-46726-8
Advances in Econometrics Sixth World Congress
Cambridge University Press, б.г.
ISBN 0-521-56610-X
Advances in Econometrics Sixth World Congress
Cambridge University Press, б.г.
ISBN 0-521-56610-X
Handbook of computational economics
ISBN 0-444-89857-3
Handbook of computational economics
Серия: Handbooks in economics
Elsevier Science, б.г.ISBN 0-444-89857-3
Gourieroux, C.
Statistics and econometric models
Cambridge University Press, б.г.
ISBN 0-521-47837-5
Gourieroux, C.
Statistics and econometric models
Cambridge University Press, б.г.
ISBN 0-521-47837-5
Handbook of econometrics
ISBN 0-444-86188-2
Handbook of econometrics
Серия: Handbooks in economics
Elsevier Science, North-Holland, б.г.ISBN 0-444-86188-2
Macroeconometric modelling
ISBN 1-85278-664-7
Macroeconometric modelling
Серия: The international library of critical writings in econometrics, An Elgar reference collection
Edward Elgar, Edward Elgar, б.г.ISBN 1-85278-664-7
The methodology of econometrics
ISBN 1-85278-844-5
The methodology of econometrics
Серия: The international library of critical writings in econometrics, An Elgar reference collection
Edward Elgar, Edward Elgar, б.г.ISBN 1-85278-844-5
Recent developments in the econometrics of panel data: 2 volume set
ISBN 1-84064-967-4
Recent developments in the econometrics of panel data: 2 volume set
Серия: The international library of critical writings in econometrics, An Elgar reference collection
Edward Elgar, Edward Elgar, б.г.ISBN 1-84064-967-4
Time series: 2 volume set
ISBN отсутствует
Time series: 2 volume set
Серия: The international library of critical writings in econometrics, An Elgar reference collection
Edward Elgar, Edward Elgar, б.г.ISBN отсутствует
The foundations of probability, econometrics, and economic games: 10 title set
Edward Elgar, б.г.
ISBN 1-85898-370-3
The foundations of probability, econometrics, and economic games: 10 title set
Edward Elgar, б.г.
ISBN 1-85898-370-3