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Электронный каталог: Справочник индексов УДК
К списку индексов УДК
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Электронные книги
Browse, S.
Cognitive rhetoric: the cognitive poetics of political discourse
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2018 г.
ISBN 9789027263445
Browse, S.
Cognitive rhetoric: the cognitive poetics of political discourse
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2018 г.
ISBN 9789027263445

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Электронные книги
Anastassov, V. H.
Power and truth in political discourse: language and ideological narratives
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781527523579
Anastassov, V. H.
Power and truth in political discourse: language and ideological narratives
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781527523579