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Электронный каталог: Справочник издательств
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Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.]
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- Cambridge economic handbooks
- Cambridge first certificate skills
- The political economy of institutions and decisions
- Cambridge copy collection
- Econometric society monographs
- Structural analysis in the social sciences
- Raffaele Mattioli Foundation
- Geography of the world-economy
- International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics
- Centre for Economic Policy Research
- Cambridge surveys of economic literature
- Theories of institutional design
- Cambridge studies in philosophy and public policy
- Themes in modern econometrics
- Cambridge professional English
- Econometric society monographs in pure theory
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- Cambridge examinations publishing
- DAE occasional papers
- Studies in monetary and financial history
- Studies in rationality and social change
- Studies in Marxism and social theory
- Political economy of institutions and decisions
- Cambridge economic policies and institutions
- Cambridge studies in economic policies and institutions
- Cambridge studies in international relations
- Contemporary political theory
- Cambridge cultural social studies
- Cambridge studies in the theory of democracy
- Cambridge studies in comparative politics
- Cambridge concise histories
- Cambridge nonlinear science series
- Cambridge series on judgment and decision making
- The Churchill lectures in economic theory
- The John Robert Seeley lectures
- Ideas in context
- Cambridge studies in international and comparative law (CSICL)
- Goodhart lectures; 1984-1985
- Murphy Institute Studies in Political Economy
- Lauterpacht Research Centre for International Law
- Research Centre for International Law University of Cambridge
- Cambridge studies in law and society
- Past and present publications
- Cambridge studies in philosophy and law
- Cambridge texts in applied mathematics
- Cambridge studies in probability, induction, and decision theory
- Cambridge studies in political psychology and public opinion
- Cambridge series in statistical and probabilistic mathematics
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- Cambridge Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet studies
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- Cambridge language assessment series
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- Cambridge academic writing
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- Cambridge studies in social theory, religion and politics
- Cambridge studies in historical geography
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- The World: since 1980
- Cambridge introductions to philosophy and law
- Cambridge studies in energy and the environment
- Population and development review
- Cambridge introductions to philosophy
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- Cambridge mathematical library
- Contemporary European politics
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- Cambridge tracts in mathematics
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- Cambridge library collection
- Cambridge studies in Chinese history, literature and institutions
- Cambridge studies on the American South
- International corporate law and financial market regulation
- Cambridge classical studies
- Contemporary China Institute publications
- Cambridge geographical studies
- Cambridge Iberian and Latin American studies
- Cambridge studies in cultural systems
- Cambridge introduction to Roman civilization
- RES monographs in anthropology and aesthetics
- Studies in the national income and expenditure of the United Kingdom
- Cambridge studies in European law and policy
- Culture and psychology
- Ford/Southampton studies in North/South security relations
- Trade and development
- Cambridge companions to American studies
- Cambridge studies in the history and theory of politics
- Greek culture in the Roman world
- Cambridge papers in social anthropology
- New directions in archaeology
- Cambridge studies in American literature and culture
- Cambridge essential histories
- New studies in archaeology
- The Scott Holland memorial lectures
- European monographs in social psychology
- Cambridge studies in medieval literature
- Cambridge textbooks in linguistics
- Cambridge human geography
- Royal economics society prize monograph
- Cambridge studies in the history of architecture
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- Case studies in early societies
- Cambridge air surveys
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- London Mathematical Society Students Texts
- Cambridge monographs on applied and computational mathematics
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- Cambridge studies in the dialogues of Plato
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- Cambridge companions to music
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- International series on actuarial science
- Cambridge companions to culture
- Cambridge urban and architectural studies
- Cambridge studies in social anthropology
- Cambridge Asia-Pacific studies
- Cambridge commonwealth studies
- The Cambridge health economics, policy and management series
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- Cambridge companions to management
- Cambridge critical guides
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- Cambridge studies in cognitive and perceptual development
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- Cambridge studies in Russian literature
- Cambridge companions to religion
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- A history of the university in Europe
- Cambridge studies in biological and evolutionary anthropology
- Cambridge studies in archaeology
- Emory symposia in cognition
- Cambridge syntax guides
- ASA Rose Monograph series
- Publications of the Society for psychological antropology
- Critical perspectives on empire
- Key conflicts of classical antiquity
- Cambridge advanced mathematics
- Cambridge advanced level mathematics
- Coleccion Cambridge de didactica de lenguas
- Cambridge introductions to language and linguistics
- Scott Polar Research Institute. Special publication
- Musical lives
- Cambridge studies in linguistics
- Cambridge language surveys
- Cambridge approaches to language contact
- Studies in the modern Russian language
- Masterpieces of Western painting
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- The Cambridge history of Arabic literature
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- Key topics in socioliguistics
- Cambridge approaches to linguistics
- Cambridge studies in renaissance literature and culture
- Cambridge introductions to literature
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- Cambridge readings in the history of political thought
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- The Cambridge edition of the works of Jonathan Swift
- Cambridge studies in nineteenth-century literature and culture
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- Cambridge handbooks in language and linguistics
- Studies in natural language processing
- Cambridge handbook in linguistics
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- Cambridge studies in Italian history and culture
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- Cambridge companions to the history of art
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- Cambridge companions to...
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