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Связанные описания:

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Электронные книги
Multilingual practices in language history: english and beyond
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781501504907
Multilingual practices in language history: english and beyond
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781501504907

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Электронные книги
Recent perspectives on task-based language learning and teaching
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781501503290
Recent perspectives on task-based language learning and teaching
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781501503290

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Электронные книги
Anderson, J. M.
A grammar of English : the consequences of a substance-based view of language: Vol. 2, Structures
De Gruyter Mouton, 2022 г.
ISBN 9783110729504
Anderson, J. M.
A grammar of English : the consequences of a substance-based view of language: Vol. 2, Structures
De Gruyter Mouton, 2022 г.
ISBN 9783110729504

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Электронные книги
Anderson, J. M.
A grammar of English : the consequences of a substance-based view of language: Vol. 1, Categories
De Gruyter Mouton, 2022 г.
ISBN 9783110724486
Anderson, J. M.
A grammar of English : the consequences of a substance-based view of language: Vol. 1, Categories
De Gruyter Mouton, 2022 г.
ISBN 9783110724486

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Электронные книги
Language development and developmental language disorder
De Gruyter Mouton, 2022 г.
ISBN 9783110712025
Language development and developmental language disorder
De Gruyter Mouton, 2022 г.
ISBN 9783110712025

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Электронные книги
The conceptualization of counterfactuality in L1 and L2: grammatical devices and semantic implications in french, spanish and italian
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781501507724
The conceptualization of counterfactuality in L1 and L2: grammatical devices and semantic implications in french, spanish and italian
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781501507724

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Электронные книги
Language and emotion : an international handbook Volume 1
De Gruyter Mouton, 2023 г.
ISBN 9783110347524
Language and emotion : an international handbook Volume 1
De Gruyter Mouton, 2023 г.
ISBN 9783110347524

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Электронные книги
Language and emotion : an international handbook Volume 2
De Gruyter Mouton, 2023 г.
ISBN 9783110670851
Language and emotion : an international handbook Volume 2
De Gruyter Mouton, 2023 г.
ISBN 9783110670851

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Электронные книги
Pedraza, A. P.
Linguistic taboo revisited: novel insights from cognitive perspectives
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.
ISBN 9783110580518
Pedraza, A. P.
Linguistic taboo revisited: novel insights from cognitive perspectives
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.
ISBN 9783110580518

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Электронные книги
Li, X.
A grammar of Gan Chinese: the Yichun language
ISBN 9781501507267
Li, X.
A grammar of Gan Chinese: the Yichun language
Серия: Sinitic Languages of China
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.ISBN 9781501507267

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Электронные книги
Gerstner-Link, C.
A grammar of Kilmeri
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781501506666
Gerstner-Link, C.
A grammar of Kilmeri
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781501506666

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Электронные книги
Guardado, M.
Discourse, ideology and heritage language socialization: micro and macro perspectives
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781501500732
Guardado, M.
Discourse, ideology and heritage language socialization: micro and macro perspectives
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781501500732

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Электронные книги
English in business and commerce: interactions and policies: English in Europe
ISBN 9781501506758
English in business and commerce: interactions and policies: English in Europe
Серия: Language and social life
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.ISBN 9781501506758

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Электронные книги
Phonological typology
ISBN 9783110449921
Phonological typology
Серия: Phonology and Phonetics
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.ISBN 9783110449921

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Электронные книги
Linguistics meets literature: more on the grammar of Emily Dickinson
De Gruyter Mouton, 2020 г.
ISBN 9783110642810
Linguistics meets literature: more on the grammar of Emily Dickinson
De Gruyter Mouton, 2020 г.
ISBN 9783110642810

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Электронные книги
Moeschler, J.
Why language?: what pragmatics tells us about language and communication
ISBN 9783110723380
Moeschler, J.
Why language?: what pragmatics tells us about language and communication
Серия: Mouton series in pragmatics
De Gruyter Mouton, 2021 г.ISBN 9783110723380

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Электронные книги
Why is 'Why' unique?: its syntactic and semantic properties
De Gruyter Mouton, 2021 г.
ISBN 9783110675160
Why is 'Why' unique?: its syntactic and semantic properties
De Gruyter Mouton, 2021 г.
ISBN 9783110675160

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Электронные книги
Shagal, K.
Participles: a typological study
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.
ISBN 9783110629934
Shagal, K.
Participles: a typological study
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.
ISBN 9783110629934

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Электронные книги
Between separation and symbiosis: South Eastern European languages and cultures in contact
De Gruyter Mouton, 2021 г.
ISBN 9781501509216
Between separation and symbiosis: South Eastern European languages and cultures in contact
De Gruyter Mouton, 2021 г.
ISBN 9781501509216

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Электронные книги
Binominal lexemes in cross-linguistic perspective: towards a typology of complex lexemes
De Gruyter Mouton, 2023 г.
ISBN 9783110673494
Binominal lexemes in cross-linguistic perspective: towards a typology of complex lexemes
De Gruyter Mouton, 2023 г.
ISBN 9783110673494

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Электронные книги
Swenson, A.
Malayalam verbs: functional structure and morphosemantics
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.
ISBN 9781501510120
Swenson, A.
Malayalam verbs: functional structure and morphosemantics
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.
ISBN 9781501510120

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Электронные книги
Priestley, С.
Koromu (Kesawai): grammar and information structure of a New Guinea language
ISBN 9781501510229
Priestley, С.
Koromu (Kesawai): grammar and information structure of a New Guinea language
Серия: Pacific linguistics
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.ISBN 9781501510229

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Электронные книги
Garrard, J. G.
Mixail Culkov: an introduction to his prose and verse
De Gruyter Mouton, 1970 г.
ISBN 9783111635491
Garrard, J. G.
Mixail Culkov: an introduction to his prose and verse
De Gruyter Mouton, 1970 г.
ISBN 9783111635491

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Электронные книги
Pitkern-Norf'k: the language of Pitcairn Island and Norfolk Island
ISBN 9781501501418
Pitkern-Norf'k: the language of Pitcairn Island and Norfolk Island
Серия: Dialects of english
De Gruyter Mouton, 2020 г.ISBN 9781501501418

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Электронные книги
Corrigan, K. P.
Linguistic communities and migratory processes: newcomers acquiring sociolinguistic variation in Northern Ireland
De Gruyter Mouton, 2020 г.
ISBN 9783110611571
Corrigan, K. P.
Linguistic communities and migratory processes: newcomers acquiring sociolinguistic variation in Northern Ireland
De Gruyter Mouton, 2020 г.
ISBN 9783110611571

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Электронные книги
Swearing and cursing: contexts and practices in a critical linguistic perspective
ISBN 9781501511080
Swearing and cursing: contexts and practices in a critical linguistic perspective
Серия: Language and social life
De Gruyter Mouton, 2020 г.ISBN 9781501511080

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Электронные книги
Daniels, D.
Grammatical reconstruction: the Sogeram languages of New Guinea
ISBN 9783110616217
Daniels, D.
Grammatical reconstruction: the Sogeram languages of New Guinea
Серия: Studies in language change
De Gruyter Mouton, 2020 г.ISBN 9783110616217

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Электронные книги
Verb second: grammar internal and grammar external interfaces
ISBN 9781501508042
Verb second: grammar internal and grammar external interfaces
Серия: Interface explorations
De Gruyter Mouton, 2020 г.ISBN 9781501508042

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Электронные книги
Sonnemann, A.-M.
Language families in contact: the mutual impact of Slavic and Romani
De Gruyter Mouton, 2022 г.
ISBN 9783110756173
Sonnemann, A.-M.
Language families in contact: the mutual impact of Slavic and Romani
De Gruyter Mouton, 2022 г.
ISBN 9783110756173

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Электронные книги
Proper names versus common nouns: morphosyntactic contrasts in the languages of the world
ISBN 9783110672626
Proper names versus common nouns: morphosyntactic contrasts in the languages of the world
Серия: Studia typologica
De Gruyter Mouton, 2022 г.ISBN 9783110672626

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Электронные книги
Schapper, A.
A grammar of Bunaq
ISBN 9783110761146
Schapper, A.
A grammar of Bunaq
Серия: Mouton grammar library
De Gruyter Mouton, 2022 г.ISBN 9783110761146

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Электронные книги
Lee, N. H.
A grammar of modern Baba Malay
ISBN 9783110745061
Lee, N. H.
A grammar of modern Baba Malay
Серия: Mouton grammar library
De Gruyter Mouton, 2022 г.ISBN 9783110745061

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Электронные книги
Malcolm, I. G.
Australian aboriginal english: change and continuity in an adopted language
ISBN 9781501503160
Malcolm, I. G.
Australian aboriginal english: change and continuity in an adopted language
Серия: Dialects of english
De Gruyter Mouton, 2018 г.ISBN 9781501503160

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Электронные книги
Green, C. R.
Somali grammar
ISBN 9781501503511
Green, C. R.
Somali grammar
Серия: Mouton-CASL grammar series
De Gruyter Mouton, 2021 г.ISBN 9781501503511

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Электронные книги
Olsson, B.
A grammar of coastal Marind
ISBN 9783110747065
Olsson, B.
A grammar of coastal Marind
Серия: Mouton grammar library
De Gruyter Mouton, 2021 г.ISBN 9783110747065

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Электронные книги
Smith-Dennis, E.
A grammar of Papapana: an oceanic language of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea
ISBN 9781501509896
Smith-Dennis, E.
A grammar of Papapana: an oceanic language of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea
Серия: Pacific linguistics
De Gruyter Mouton, 2020 г.ISBN 9781501509896

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Электронные книги
A grammar of Southern Min: the Hui’an dialect
ISBN 9781501511509
A grammar of Southern Min: the Hui’an dialect
Серия: Sinitic Languages of China
De Gruyter Mouton, 2020 г.ISBN 9781501511509

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Электронные книги
Schokkin, D.
A grammar of paluai: the language of Baluan Island, Papua New Guinea
ISBN 9783110675177
Schokkin, D.
A grammar of paluai: the language of Baluan Island, Papua New Guinea
Серия: Pacific linguistics
De Gruyter Mouton, 2020 г.ISBN 9783110675177

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Электронные книги
Bashir, E.
A descriptive grammar of Hindko, Panjabi, and Saraiki
ISBN 9781501500329
Bashir, E.
A descriptive grammar of Hindko, Panjabi, and Saraiki
Серия: Mouton-CASL grammar series
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.ISBN 9781501500329

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Электронные книги
Davis, M. W.
Transformational grammar and written sentences
ISBN 9783110908619
Davis, M. W.
Transformational grammar and written sentences
Серия: Janua linguarum
De Gruyter Mouton, 1973 г.ISBN 9783110908619

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Электронные книги
Cognitive contact linguistics: placing usage, meaning and mind at the core of contact-induced variation and change
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.
ISBN 9783110616842
Cognitive contact linguistics: placing usage, meaning and mind at the core of contact-induced variation and change
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.
ISBN 9783110616842

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Электронные книги
Balkan syntax and (universal) principles of grammar
ISBN 9783110375930
Balkan syntax and (universal) principles of grammar
Серия: Trends in linguistics
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.ISBN 9783110375930

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Электронные книги
Clark, U.
Staging language: place and identity in the enactment, performance and representation of regional dialects
ISBN 9781501506697
Clark, U.
Staging language: place and identity in the enactment, performance and representation of regional dialects
Серия: Language and social life
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.ISBN 9781501506697

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Электронные книги
Kulick, D.
A grammar and dictionary of Tayap: the life and death of a Papuan language
ISBN 9781501512025
Kulick, D.
A grammar and dictionary of Tayap: the life and death of a Papuan language
Серия: Pacific linguistics
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.ISBN 9781501512025

Нет экз.
Электронные книги
Vance, T. J.
Irregular phonological marking of Japanese compounds: Benjamin Smith Lyman's pioneering research on rendaku
De Gruyter Mouton, 2022 г.
ISBN 9783110755107
Vance, T. J.
Irregular phonological marking of Japanese compounds: Benjamin Smith Lyman's pioneering research on rendaku
De Gruyter Mouton, 2022 г.
ISBN 9783110755107

Нет экз.
Zehentner, E.
Competition in language change: the rise of the English dative alternation
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.
ISBN 9783110630442
Zehentner, E.
Competition in language change: the rise of the English dative alternation
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.
ISBN 9783110630442

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Электронные книги
Buregeya, A.
Kenyan English
ISBN 9781501500978
Buregeya, A.
Kenyan English
Серия: Dialects of english
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.ISBN 9781501500978

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Электронные книги
Schroter, V.
Null subjects in Englishes: a comparison of British English and Asian Englishes
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.
ISBN 9783110645354
Schroter, V.
Null subjects in Englishes: a comparison of British English and Asian Englishes
De Gruyter Mouton, 2019 г.
ISBN 9783110645354
- Cognitive linguistics research
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- The expression of cognitive categories
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- Mouton series in pragmatics
- Text, translation, computational processing
- Studies in second and foreign language education
- Applications of cognitive linguistics
- Trends in linguistics
- Language contact and bilingualism
- Trends in applied linguistics
- Handbooks of linguistics and communication science
- Studies in generative grammar
- Language and social processes
- Handbooks of applied linguistics
- Contributions to the sociology of language
- Studies on language acquisition
- The world of linguistics
- Lateral theory of phonology
- Empirical approaches to language typology
- Quantitative linguistics
- Semiotics, communication and cognition
- Handbooks of communication science
- Sign languages and deaf communities
- Language and the human lifespan series
- Developments in English as a lingua franca
- Handbooks of Japanese language and linguistics
- Handbooks of pragmatics
- Publications of the federal institute for culture and history of the Germans in Eastern Europe
- The Mouton companions to Ancient Egyptian
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- Das Mittelalter
- Sinitic Languages of China
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- Interface explorations
- Studia typologica
- Mouton grammar library
- Mouton-CASL grammar series
- Janua linguarum
- The Mouton-NINJAL library of linguistics