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Электронный каталог: Справочник издательств
К списку издательств
Springer, Heidelberg [ect.]
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- NATO science series
- Computational imaging and vision
- International handbooks on information systems
- Dynamic modeling and econometrics in economics and finance
- New economic windows
- International and cultural psychology series
- Nonprofit and civil society studies
- Higher education dynamics
- Educational innovation in economics and business
- Theory and decision library. Series С: Game theory, mathematical programming and operations research
- Information science and knowledge management
- CISM courses and lectures
- International series in operations research & management science
- Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems
- Springer finance
- Landscape series
- Lecture notes in computer science
- International handbook series on entrepreneurship
- Water resources development and management
- The European heritage in economics and the social sciences
- Advanced information and knowlegde processing
- Springer-Lehrbuch
- Sociology of the sciences yearbook
- Studies in productivity and efficiency
- Springer handbooks of computational statistics
- The international library of environmental, agricultural and food ethics
- Beitrage zum auslandischen offentlichen Recht und Volkerrecht
- International risk governance council (IRGC) book series on global risk governance
- Graduate texts in mathematics
- Classics in mathematics
- Undergraduate texts in mathematics
- Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften
- Natural science in archaeology
- Springer monographs in mathematics
- International handbook of educational change
- NATO science for peace and security series
- United Nations University series on regionalism
- European heritage in economics and the social sciences
- Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences
- Law and philosophy library
- Lecture notes in mathematics
- The Springer series on demographic methods and population analysis
- Universitext
- Applied mathematical sciences
- Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete
- Understanding complex systems
- Lecture notes in business information processing
- Analecta Husserliana: The yearbook of phenomenological research
- Path in psychology
- Philosophical studies in contemporary culture
- Studies in the history of philosophy of mind
- Peace psychology book series
- Nebraska Symposium on Motivation
- Studies in public choice
- European community studies association of Austria
- Stochastic modelling and applied probability
- The GeoJournal library
- Synthese library
- Operations research/computer science interfaces
- Studies in global justice
- Library of the history of psychology theories
- Social indicators research series
- Sociology of the sciences
- Economic studies in inequality, social exclusion and well-being
- Statistics for social and behavioral sciences
- Springer series in statistics
- Contributions to phenomenology
- Boston studies in the philosophy of science
- Biosemiotics
- The Milken institute series on financial innovation and economic growth
- Studies in history and philosophy of science
- Theory and decision library. Series A: philosophy and methodology of the social sciences
- Decision engineering
- Mathematics education library
- Origins: studies in the sources of scientific creativity
- The frontiers collection
- Integrated series in information systems
- Advances in spatial science
- International studies in entrepreneurship
- Annals of information systems
- Logic, epistemology, and the unity of science
- Natural resource management and policy
- Wageningen UR frontis series
- Philosophical studies series
- Einstein meets Magritte
- Innovation, technology, and knowledge management series
- Urban and landscape perspectives
- Risk, governance and society
- Educational research
- Health informatics series
- The philosophy of science in a European perspective
- Philosophy and medicine
- Springer series in game theory
- Library of ethics and applied philosophy
- Methodos series
- The Search Institute series on developmentally attentive community and society
- Use R!
- Advances in computational economics
- Phaenomenologica
- Issues in business ethics
- Handbooks of sociology and social research
- Climate change management
- Argumentation library
- Springer reference
- International studies in population
- Vienna Circle Institute yearbook
- International archives of the history of ideas = Archives internationales d'histoire des idees
- Cultural studies of science education
- Advanced studies in theoretical and applied econometrics
- Service science: research and innovations in the service economy
- Environment & policy
- The political economy of the Asia Pacific
- Advances in computational management science
- Springer optimization and its applications
- The international library of ethics, law and technology
- Innovations in financial markets and institutions
- European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA). Conference (1st; 2007; Madrid, Spain)
- Edmund Husserl collected works
- European studies of population
- Demographic research monographs
- Springer series in synergetics
- Interdisciplinary contributions to archaeology
- Advances in group decision and negotiation
- Lecture notes in statistics - proceedings
- Lecture notes of the institute for computer sciences, social informatics and telecommunications engineering
- AMINTAPHIL: the philosophical foundations of law and justice
- Springer texts in statistics
- Springer Rechtswissenschaft
- Energy systems
- The economics of non-market goods and resources
- MPI studies on intellectual property, competition and tax law
- International handbooks of polulation
- Riding the age waves
- Issues in children's and families' lives
- Children's well-being: indicators and research series
- Studies in fuzziness and soft computing
- Springer international handbooks of education
- Text, Speech and Language Technology
- The new synthese historical library
- China Briefing: the practical application of China business
- The economics of information, communication and entertainment: the impacts of digital technology in the 21st century
- Cognitive technologies
- Statistics for biology and health
- Studies in choice and welfare
- Educational linguistics
- Springer briefs in business
- Encyclopedia of language and education
- Studies in theoretical psycholinguistics
- IFIP advances in information and communication technology
- Mathematics and its applications
- Education in the Asia-Pacific region: issues, concerns and prospects
- Book series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna
- The collected works of Aron Gurwitsch (1901-1973)
- CMS books in mathematics
- Organizational Change and Innovation
- Understanding population trends and processes
- Compytational music science
- Advances in medical education
- Studies in natural language and linguistic theory
- Statistics and computing
- Communications in computer and information science
- Art and architecture in discussion
- Springer briefs in population studies
- Higher education: handbook of theory and research
- Springer undergraduate mathematics series
- Advances in mathematical education
- Springer briefs in economics
- Technical and vocational education and training series
- The Western Ontario series in philosophy of science
- Philosophy of engineering and technology
- Lecture notes in control and information sciences
- Revue de synthese
- Lecture notes in statistics
- Handbook of ecological concepts
- Understanding innovation
- International series on consumer science
- Globalisation, comparative education and policy research
- Zicklin school of business financial markets series
- Vector optimization
- Cross-cultural advancements in positive psychology
- Trends in logic
- Insight and innovation in international development
- Studies in morphology
- CERC studies in comparative education
- Selected works in probability and statistics
- Public administration, governance and globalization
- Immigrants and minorities, politics and policy
- Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science
- Studies in classification, data analysis and knowledge organization
- CIME Summer Schools
- Probability and its applications
- Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering
- Studies in educational leadership
- Management for professionals
- Information science and statistics
- Springer briefs in mathematics
- Mathematics teacher education
- Data-Centric Systems and applications
- Professional and practice-based learning
- Springer texts in business and economics
- Enviromental and ecological statistics
- Quality of life in Asia
- Springer briefs in optimization
- Springer briefs in political science
- International handbooks of quality-of-life
- Springer briefs in philosophy
- Global power chift: comparative analysis and perspectives
- The Rockwool Foundation Research Unit
- Green energy and technology
- Springer briefs in geography
- International perspectives on aging
- Modeling dynamic systems
- Springer briefs in statistics
- Local sustainability
- Studies in linguistics and philosophy
- Science across cultures: the history of non-western science
- Global migration issues
- Lecture notes in artificial intelligence
- Springer briefs in finance
- Hexagon series on human and environmental security and peace
- Lecture notes in energy
- Studies in theoretical and applied statistics
- Studies in organized crime
- International perspectives on migration
- Springer proceedings in mathematics
- Lecture notes in computational science and engineering
- Applied demography series
- IUS GENTIUM: comparative perspectives on law and justice
- Springer briefs in law
- Transcultural research- Heidelberg studies on Asia and Europe in a global context
- Abel Symposia
- Problem books in mathematics
- Springer geography
- Cognition and language: A series in Psycholinguistics
- Lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography
- EAA series - Textbook
- Perspectives in business culture
- Unitext
- Sport economics, management and policy
- Springer proceedings in mathematics & statistics
- Contemporary philosophies and theories in education
- Alliance for global sustainability bookseries
- Second language learning and teaching
- Professional supply management
- History of computing
- Advances in geographic information science
- New studies in the history and philosophy of science and technology
- Monographs in theoretical computer science
- Springer Series in computational mathematics
- Media business and innovation
- Studies in Big Data
- Lecture notes in information systems and organisation
- Studies in computational intelligence
- The enterprise engineering series
- Life course research and social policies
- Public administration and information technology
- International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR) international series on systems science and engineering
- Idees et innovation en developpement international
- Mathematical modelling: theory and application
- Management- culture- interpretation
- Graduate texts in computer science
- Texts in computer science
- Algorithms and combinatorics
- Texts in theoretical computer science
- Ethical economy. Studies in economic ethics and phylosophy
- EAA series
- Applications of mathematics
- Springer finance textbook
- Springer briefs in cybersecurity
- MPI studies on intellectual property and competition law
- Law, governance and technology series
- Science, technology and innovation studies
- Evolutionary economics and social complexity science
- Contributions to econimics
- Smart innovation, systems and technologies
- Studies in economic history
- Financial and monetary policy studies
- Current topics in behavioral neurosciences
- Studies in the history of law and justice
- International series in intelligent technologies
- World sustainability series
- The urban book series
- Simons Symposia
- Springer briefs in education
- Communications and control engineering
- Science and fiction
- Springer proceedings in business and economics
- Societies and political orders in transition
- Translational systems sciences
- SpringerBriefs in applied sciences and technology
- Creativity theory and action in education
- Advanced studies in emerging markets finance
- Contributions to management science
- CSR, sustainability, ethics & governance
- World-systems evolution and global futures
- Law and visual jurisprudence
- Child maltreatment: сontemporary issues in research and policy
- Perspectives in pragmatics, philosophy & psychology
- Outstanding contributions to logic
- Studies in applied philosophy, epistemology and rational ethics
- Sources and studies in the history of mathematics and physical sciences
- Integrated disaster risk management
- Contributions to international relations
- Advances in analytics for learning and teaching
- Progress in IS
- Studies in epistemology, logic, methodology, and phiIlosophy of science
- Textbooks in mathematical sciences
- Springer Studies in the History of Economic Thought
- Mobile Communication in Asia