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--> Менеджмент = management
----> производственный и операционный менеджмент = industrial and operational management [ 005.93 ]
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--> Менеджмент = management
----> производственный и операционный менеджмент = industrial and operational management [ 005.93 ]
- Название:
- производственный и операционный менеджмент = industrial and operational management [ 005.93 ]
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Связанные описания:

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Christensen, C. M.
The innovator's solution: creating and sustaining successful growth
Harvard Business School Press, 2003 г.
ISBN 1-578-51852-0
Christensen, C. M.
The innovator's solution: creating and sustaining successful growth
Harvard Business School Press, 2003 г.
ISBN 1-578-51852-0

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Bian, M. L.
The making of the state enterprise system in modern China: the dynamics of institutional change
Harvard University Press, 2005 г.
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The making of the state enterprise system in modern China: the dynamics of institutional change
Harvard University Press, 2005 г.
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Howells, J.
The management of innovation and technology: the shaping of technology and institutions of the market economy
SAGE Publications, 2005 г.
ISBN 0-7619-7024-X
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The management of innovation and technology: the shaping of technology and institutions of the market economy
SAGE Publications, 2005 г.
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White, M. A.
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White, M. A.
The management of technology and innovation: a strategic approach
Thomson South-Western, 2007 г.
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The manufacturing of markets: legal, political and economic dynamics
Cambridge University Press, 2014 г.
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Chambers, A.
The operational auditing handbook: auditing business processes
John Wiley & Sons, 1997 г.
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Chambers, A.
The operational auditing handbook: auditing business processes
John Wiley & Sons, 1997 г.
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Newman, W. H.
The process of management: strategy, action, results
Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1987 г.
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Newman, W. H.
The process of management: strategy, action, results
Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1987 г.
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The quantum leap: next generation: next generation: the manufacturing straqtegy for business
J.Ross Publishing, 2005 г.
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The quantum leap: next generation: next generation: the manufacturing straqtegy for business
J.Ross Publishing, 2005 г.
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Routledge, 2019 г.ISBN 9780367873592

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The second cycle: winning the war against bureaucracy
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Kolind, L.
The second cycle: winning the war against bureaucracy
Wharton School Publishing, 2006 г.
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The story of managing projects: an interdisciplinary approach
Praeger, 2005 г.
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The story of managing projects: an interdisciplinary approach
Praeger, 2005 г.
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Freeland, R. F.
The struggle for control of the modern corporation: organizational change at General Motors, 1924-1970
Cambridge University Press, 2001 г.
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The struggle for control of the modern corporation: organizational change at General Motors, 1924-1970
Cambridge University Press, 2001 г.
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Takeda, H.
The synchronized production system: going beyond just-in-time through kaizen
Kogan Page, 2006 г.
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Takeda, H.
The synchronized production system: going beyond just-in-time through kaizen
Kogan Page, 2006 г.
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The uneasy alliance: managing the productiviry-technology dilemma
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The uneasy alliance: managing the productiviry-technology dilemma
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Harvard Business School Press, 1985 г.ISBN 0-87584-172-4

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Oakland, J.S.
Total Quality Management: Text with cases
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Oakland, J.S.
Total Quality Management: Text with cases
Серия: Contemporary business series
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1995 г.ISBN 0-7506-2124-9

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Sobek, D. K.
Understanding A3 thinking: a critical component of Toyota's PDCA management system
CRC Press, 2008 г.
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Sobek, D. K.
Understanding A3 thinking: a critical component of Toyota's PDCA management system
CRC Press, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-1-563-27360-5

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Vol.5. : International operations, networks and the environmental context
2007 г.
ISBN 1-412-91891-X
Vol.5. : International operations, networks and the environmental context
2007 г.
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Cooper, R.
When Lean Enterprises Collide: Competing through Confrontation
Harvard Business School Press, 1995 г.
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Cooper, R.
When Lean Enterprises Collide: Competing through Confrontation
Harvard Business School Press, 1995 г.
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Winning the 3-legged race: when business and technology run together
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006 г.
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Winning the 3-legged race: when business and technology run together
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Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know
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Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know
Harvard Business School Press, 1998 г.
ISBN 0-87584-655-6

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World class master scheduling: best practices and lean Six Sigma continuous improvement
J.Ross Publishing, 2006 г.
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World class master scheduling: best practices and lean Six Sigma continuous improvement
J.Ross Publishing, 2006 г.
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Yield management: the leadership alternative for performance and net profit improvement
St. Lucie Press, 1998 г.
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Magee, J. L.
Yield management: the leadership alternative for performance and net profit improvement
St. Lucie Press, 1998 г.
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Сафронова, К. О.
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Адаптация бережливого производства в условиях экономической нестабильности: автореф. дис. ... канд. экон. наук : 08.00.05
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Кораблева, Г. В.
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Вузовская книга, 2007 г.
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Разумов, В. А.
Аналитический менеджмент прибыльного производства
Вузовская книга, 2007 г.
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Хейвуд, Дж. Б.
Аутсорсинг: в поисках конкурентных преимуществ
Вильямс, 2002 г.
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Хейвуд, Дж. Б.
Аутсорсинг: в поисках конкурентных преимуществ
Вильямс, 2002 г.
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Никитинский, В. Н.
Аутсорсинг транспортных функций : особенности и преимущества
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Никитинский, В. Н.
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Соколов, Д. В.
Базисная система риск-менеджмента организаций реального сектора экономики: монография
ISBN 978-5-16-006862-6
Соколов, Д. В.
Базисная система риск-менеджмента организаций реального сектора экономики: монография
Серия: Сер. "Научная мысль"
ИНФРА-М, 2015 г.ISBN 978-5-16-006862-6

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Вумек, Д. П.
Бережливое производство: как избавиться от потерь и добиться процветания вашей компании
Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-5-9614076-6-2
Вумек, Д. П.
Бережливое производство: как избавиться от потерь и добиться процветания вашей компании
Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-5-9614076-6-2

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Вумек, Д. П.
Бережливое производство: как избавиться от потерь и добиться процветания вашей компании
Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2006 г.
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Вумек, Д. П.
Бережливое производство: как избавиться от потерь и добиться процветания вашей компании
Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2006 г.
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