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Электронный каталог: Governing Europe under a Constitution
Governing Europe under a Constitution
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Governing Europe under a Constitution : the hard road from the European Treaties to a European Constitutional Treaty
Издательство: Springer, 2006 г.
ISBN 3-540-24042-X
Governing Europe under a Constitution : the hard road from the European Treaties to a European Constitutional Treaty
Издательство: Springer, 2006 г.
ISBN 3-540-24042-X
341 G70
Governing Europe under a Constitution: the hard road from the European Treaties to a European Constitutional Treaty / Ed. by H.- J. Blanke, S. Mangiameli. – Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2006. – 492 с. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 3-540-24042-X.
общий = Международное право = International law : право Европейского Союза (ЕС) = European Union law
25142 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy Научный 341 G70
341 G70
Governing Europe under a Constitution: the hard road from the European Treaties to a European Constitutional Treaty / Ed. by H.- J. Blanke, S. Mangiameli. – Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2006. – 492 с. – На англ. яз. - ISBN 3-540-24042-X.
общий = Международное право = International law : право Европейского Союза (ЕС) = European Union law
25142 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy Научный 341 G70