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Электронный каталог: Enlightened war
Enlightened war
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Enlightened war : German theories and cultures of warfare from Frederick the Great to Clausewitz
Серия: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture
Издательство: Camden House, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-1-571-13495-0
Enlightened war : German theories and cultures of warfare from Frederick the Great to Clausewitz
Серия: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture
Издательство: Camden House, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-1-571-13495-0
9 E56
Enlightened war: German theories and cultures of warfare from Frederick the Great to Clausewitz / Ed. by E. Krimmer, P. A. Simpson. – Rochester: Camden House, 2011. – 348 с. – (Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture) . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-1-571-13495-0.
общий = История = history : история отдельных государств = history of individual regions and countries [94(1/9)] : Германия = Germany
общий = Военное дело = art of war. Military science [355/359] : философия войны. Социология войны. Милитаризм = military philosophy. Military sociology. Militarism [355.01]
общий = Культурология = culturology : культура и политика = culture and politics
51324 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ Ст. Басманная стр.4 к.В, контр. экз. : Staraya Basmannaya block B, Single copy Научный 9 E56
9 E56
Enlightened war: German theories and cultures of warfare from Frederick the Great to Clausewitz / Ed. by E. Krimmer, P. A. Simpson. – Rochester: Camden House, 2011. – 348 с. – (Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture) . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 978-1-571-13495-0.
общий = История = history : история отдельных государств = history of individual regions and countries [94(1/9)] : Германия = Germany
общий = Военное дело = art of war. Military science [355/359] : философия войны. Социология войны. Милитаризм = military philosophy. Military sociology. Militarism [355.01]
общий = Культурология = culturology : культура и политика = culture and politics
51324 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ Ст. Басманная стр.4 к.В, контр. экз. : Staraya Basmannaya block B, Single copy Научный 9 E56