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The art, science, and technology of medieval travel
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The art, science, and technology of medieval travel
Серия: AVISTA studies in the history of medieval technology, science, and art
Издательство: Routledge, 2017 г.
ISBN 9781138259874
The art, science, and technology of medieval travel
Серия: AVISTA studies in the history of medieval technology, science, and art
Издательство: Routledge, 2017 г.
ISBN 9781138259874
91 A81
The art, science, and technology of medieval travel / Ed. by R. Bork, A. Kann. – London; New York: Routledge, 2017. – 225 c. – (AVISTA studies in the history of medieval technology, science, and art; 6) . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9781138259874.
общий = География = geography : географические открытия. Путешествия = voyages of discovery. Travel [910.4]
общий = Наука. Науковедение = science studies. Science : история науки и техники = history science and technics
общий = История = history : история Европы = history of Europe [94(4)]
75719 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy Научный 91 A81
91 A81
The art, science, and technology of medieval travel / Ed. by R. Bork, A. Kann. – London; New York: Routledge, 2017. – 225 c. – (AVISTA studies in the history of medieval technology, science, and art; 6) . – На англ. яз. - ISBN 9781138259874.
общий = География = geography : географические открытия. Путешествия = voyages of discovery. Travel [910.4]
общий = Наука. Науковедение = science studies. Science : история науки и техники = history science and technics
общий = История = history : история Европы = history of Europe [94(4)]
75719 ин Библиотека НИУ ВШЭ Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy Научный 91 A81