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Lundvall, B.- A.
Сортировать по: заглавиюСвязанные описания:

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Asia's innovation systems in transition
Edward Elgar, 2006 г.
ISBN 1-84542-713-0
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy, Покровск...
Asia's innovation systems in transition
Edward Elgar, 2006 г.
ISBN 1-84542-713-0
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy, Покровск...

1 из 1
Handbook of innovation systems and developing countries: building domestic capabilities in a global setting
Edward Elgar, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-1-84720-609-1
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy
Handbook of innovation systems and developing countries: building domestic capabilities in a global setting
Edward Elgar, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-1-84720-609-1
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy

1 из 2
Handbook of innovation systems and developing countries: building domestic capabilities in a global setting
Edward Elgar, 2014 г.
ISBN 978-1-84980-276-5
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy, Покровск...
Handbook of innovation systems and developing countries: building domestic capabilities in a global setting
Edward Elgar, 2014 г.
ISBN 978-1-84980-276-5
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy, Покровск...

1 из 1
How Europe's economies learn: coordinating competing models
Oxford University Press, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-19-920319-9
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy
How Europe's economies learn: coordinating competing models
Oxford University Press, 2006 г.
ISBN 0-19-920319-9
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy

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Lundvall, B.- A.
Innovation, growth and social cohesion: the Danish model
Edward Elgar, 2002 г.
ISBN 1-84064-743-4
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy
Lundvall, B.- A.
Innovation, growth and social cohesion: the Danish model
Edward Elgar, 2002 г.
ISBN 1-84064-743-4
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy

1 из 2
Lundvall, B.- A.
Innovation, growth and social cohesion: the Danish model
Edward Elgar, 2004 г.
ISBN 1-84542-216-3
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy, Покровск...
Lundvall, B.- A.
Innovation, growth and social cohesion: the Danish model
Edward Elgar, 2004 г.
ISBN 1-84542-216-3
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy, Покровск...

1 из 2
National systems of innovation: toward a theory of innovation and interactive learning
Anthem Press, 2010 г.
ISBN 978-1-84331-866-8
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy, Покровск...
National systems of innovation: toward a theory of innovation and interactive learning
Anthem Press, 2010 г.
ISBN 978-1-84331-866-8
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy, Покровск...

1 из 1
Product innovation, interactive learning and economic performance
Elsevier, 2004 г.
ISBN 0-7623-1156-8
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy
Product innovation, interactive learning and economic performance
Elsevier, 2004 г.
ISBN 0-7623-1156-8
Покровский б-р, контр. экз. : Pokrovsky blvd., Single copy