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Электронный каталог: Справочник серий издательств
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Innovation, technology, and knowledge management series
Издательства: Springer, Heidelberg [ect.]Связанные описания:
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Liao, C.
The governance structures of Chinese firms: innovation, competitiveness, and growth in a dual economy
Springer, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-90035-7
Liao, C.
The governance structures of Chinese firms: innovation, competitiveness, and growth in a dual economy
Springer, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-90035-7
1 из 1
Hanna, N. K.
Transforming government and building the information society: challenges and opportunities for the developing world
Springer, 2010 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-91505-4
Hanna, N. K.
Transforming government and building the information society: challenges and opportunities for the developing world
Springer, 2010 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-91505-4
1 из 2
Hanna, N. K.
Transforming government and building the information society: challenges and opportunities for the developing world
Springer, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-97845-5
Hanna, N. K.
Transforming government and building the information society: challenges and opportunities for the developing world
Springer, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-97845-5
1 из 2
Wetter, J. J.
The impacts of research and development expenditures: the relationship between total factor productivity and U.S. gross domestic product performance
Springer, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-97529-4
Wetter, J. J.
The impacts of research and development expenditures: the relationship between total factor productivity and U.S. gross domestic product performance
Springer, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-97529-4
1 из 2
Del Giudice, M.
Knowledge and the family business: the governance and management of family firms in the new knowledge economy
Springer, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-97352-8
Del Giudice, M.
Knowledge and the family business: the governance and management of family firms in the new knowledge economy
Springer, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-97352-8
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Betz, F.
Managing science: methodology and organization of research
Springer, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-97487-7
Betz, F.
Managing science: methodology and organization of research
Springer, 2011 г.
ISBN 978-1-441-97487-7
1 из 1
Betz, F.
Societal dynamics: understanding social knowledge and wisdom
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-41277-9
Betz, F.
Societal dynamics: understanding social knowledge and wisdom
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-41277-9
1 из 1
Knowledge perspectives of new product development: a comparative approach
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-40247-3
Knowledge perspectives of new product development: a comparative approach
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-40247-3
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Sustaining innovation: collaboration models for a complex world
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-42076-7
Sustaining innovation: collaboration models for a complex world
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-42076-7
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Carayannis, E. G.
Institutional learning and knowledge tranfer across epistemic communities: new tools of global governance
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-41550-3
Carayannis, E. G.
Institutional learning and knowledge tranfer across epistemic communities: new tools of global governance
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-41550-3
1 из 1
Pfeffer, T.
Virtualization of universities: digital media and the organization of higher education institutions
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-42064-4
Pfeffer, T.
Virtualization of universities: digital media and the organization of higher education institutions
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-42064-4
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Del Giudice, M.
Cross-cultural knowledge management: fostering innovation and collaboration inside the multicultural enterprise
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-42088-0
Del Giudice, M.
Cross-cultural knowledge management: fostering innovation and collaboration inside the multicultural enterprise
Springer, 2012 г.
ISBN 978-1-461-42088-0